Sales of pellet and wood-burning stoves

Sales of pellet and wood-burning stoves increase in the midst of supply crisis


Ahorro energético por la subida de los precios del gas

Gasoline prices have continued to rise since last September. In addition, due to the war between Ukraine and Russia, gas prices have risen. This has led consumers to look for alternatives to save on their heating bills within a reasonable range. Many have switched to wood and pellet stoves.

What is the current situation?

All manufacturers of these products report an increase in sales but we are also faced with the problem of longer lead times and installers are busier than ever.

Increased demand and shortages of raw materials, which had already started with the Covid-19 pandemic, are now even more problematic, as Ukraine is also an important supplier of materials such as steel. Many manufacturers are already talking about an increase of more than 30%.

Belarus, Russia and Ukraine are also major exporters of timber. Timber may also face supply problems due to export bans in Belarus and Russia, as well as shipping problems in Ukraine.

Depending on the country, we have seen a sharp increase in timber prices. If the war continues and demand continues to increase, we could have a real problem this winter.

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